DB Class
* @author Val Kornea
* @license http://www.kornea.com Please do not copy verbatim without attribution.
* @uses PHP 7.1+ (void return types, nullable return types)
* @uses PHP 7 (scalar type declarations, return type declarations)
* To use the DB class, set the environment variables referenced in `getConnection()`: DB_USER, DB_PASSWD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST
* <code>
* $row = DB::getRow($query);
* $result = DB::query($query);
* while ($row = DB::getRow($result)) {}
* $scalar = DB::getCell($query);
* $insert_id = DB::insert('table_name', $key_value_map);
* $key_value_map = [
* 'my_column' => $_POST['my_field'], // automatically escaped
* 'inserted' => DB::verbatim('now()') // suppress auto-escaping
* ];
* $affected_rows = DB::update('table_name', $key_value_map, $where);
* $where = ['email' => $_REQUEST['email']]; // array autoescaped by DB::update()
* $where = 'email="' .DB::escape($_REQUEST['email']) .'"'; // strings require manual escaping
* DB::where(['email' => $_REQUEST['email']]); // get an escaped string from an array
* </code>
/** Interface DB_Interface lists the main public methods of the DB class. */
interface DB_Interface {
static function escape (string $string): string;
static function query ($query_or_queries);
static function getRow ($query_or_result): ?array;
static function getRowValues ($query_or_result): ?array;
static function getColumnNames ($result_or_table): ?array;
static function getCell ($query_or_result);
static function getColumn ($query_or_result): ?array;
static function getTable ($query_or_result): ?array;
static function getKeyValueMap ($query_or_result): ?array;
static function getIndexedTable ($query_or_result, string $index_field_name = null): ?array;
static function insert (string $table_name, array $key_value_map): int;
static function update (string $table_name, array $key_value_map, $where): int;
static function select (string $table_name, $columns, $where = null): mysqli_result;
static function verbatim (string $string): stdClass;
static function datetime ($time_string_or_timestamp = 'now', string $component = 'datetime'): string;
static function where (array $key_value_map): string;
static function not ($var): stdClass;
static function getNumRows ($query_or_result): int;
static function getInsertId (string $query = null): int;
static function getAffectedRows (string $query = null): int;
static function getConnectionId (): int;
static function getLastQuery (): ?string;
static function log (bool $enable_logging = true): ?array;
static function startTransaction (): void;
static function endTransaction (bool $commit = true): void;
} // DB_Interface
class DB implements DB_Interface {
* @var string $lastQuery Retrieve by calling `DB::getLastQuery()`.
* @see DB::getLastQuery(), DB::query()
protected static $lastQuery = '';
* @var array|null $log Call `DB::log()` to toggle logging and retrieve logs.
* @see DB::log(), DB::query()
protected static $log = null;
* @var mysqli $connection The connection established by `static::getConnection()`.
* @see DB::getConnection()
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.mysqli.php
protected static $connection = null;
* @return mysqli Connection object.
* @throws RuntimeException If cannot connect.
* @see DB::query()
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.mysqli.php
protected static function getConnection (): mysqli {
if (!static::$connection) {
$host = getenv('DB_HOST') ?: '';
$user = getenv('DB_USER');
$passwd = getenv('DB_PASSWD');
$dbname = getenv('DB_NAME');
/** @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.construct.php **/
static::$connection = @new mysqli($host, $user, $passwd, $dbname);
if (static::$connection->connect_error) {
throw new RuntimeException(static::$connection->connect_error, static::$connection->connect_errno);
return static::$connection;
} // getConnection
* Executes query and (for SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, and EXPLAIN queries) returns result object to be passed to `DB::getRow()` etc.
* Multiple queries can be executed by passing an array of query strings, in which case the return value is null.
* <code>
* $result = DB::query($query);
* while ($row = DB::getRow($result)) {}
* </code>
* @param string|array $query_or_queries
* @return mysqli_result|null Result object or `null` for queries like `insert` and `update`.
* @throws TableDoesNotExistException If table does not exist.
* @throws RuntimeException If query fails for another reason such as syntax errors.
* @see DB::getRow(), DB::getCell(), DB::insert(), DB::update()
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.mysqli-result.php
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.query.php
public static function query ($query_or_queries): ?mysqli_result {
if (is_array($query_or_queries)) {
$queries = $query_or_queries;
foreach ($queries as $query) {
return null;
$query = $query_or_queries;
static::$lastQuery = $query;
if (is_array(static::$log)) {
static::$log[] = $query;
$result = static::getConnection()->query($query);
if ($result === false) {
$error_message = static::getConnection()->error ." in query::: $query";
$error_code = static::getConnection()->errno;
if ($error_code == 1146) {
throw new TableDoesNotExistException($error_message, $error_code);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException($error_message, $error_code);
if ($result === true) {
return null;
return $result;
} // query
* Returns a DB row as an associative array.
* <code>
* $row = DB::getRow($query);
* // or
* $result = DB::query($query);
* while ($row = DB::getRow($result)) {}
* </code>
* @param string|mysqli_result $query_or_result
* @return array DB row as an associative array.
* @see DB::getRowValues(), DB::query(), DB::getColumn(), DB::getCell(), DB::getTable()
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-assoc.php
public static function getRow ($query_or_result): ?array {
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
if ($query) {
return $row;
} // getRow
* Same as `DB::getRow()`, except the values aren't keyed by column names.
* <code>
* $result = DB::query($query);
* while ($csv_fields = DB::getRowValues($result)) {
* fputcsv($handle, $csv_fields);
* }
* </code>
* @param string|mysqli_result $query_or_result
* @return array DB row as an enumerated array.
* @see DB::getRow()
* @link http://us1.php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-row.php
public static function getRowValues ($query_or_result): ?array {
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
$row_values = $result->fetch_row();
if ($query) {
return $row_values;
} // getRowValues
* For queries that return a single value like counts and yes/no queries.
* <code>
* $query = 'select count(*) from users where company_id = 20';
* $company_user_count = DB::getCell($query);
* </code>
* Note that a query that returns a `null` value is indistinguishable from one
* that returns no rows; therefore a pattern like this is possible:
* <code>
* $query = 'select might_be_null from users where email = "someone@example.com"';
* $result = DB::query($query);
* if (0 == DB::getNumRows($result)) {
* die("No such email address.");
* }
* $might_be_null = DB::getCell($result);
* </code>
* @param string|mysqli_result $query_or_result
* @return mixed Scalar value of first field in the result.
* @see DB::getRow(), DB::getColumn(), DB::getTable()
public static function getCell ($query_or_result) {
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
$row = $result->fetch_row();
$scalar = $row ? $row[0] : null;
if ($query) {
return $scalar;
} // getCell
* Get a single column's values. Useful for selecting lists of IDs, values to implode(), etc.
* <code>
* $company_users = DB::getColumn('select user_id from users where company_id = 20');
* </code>
* @param string|mysqli_result $query_or_result
* @return array First column's values.
* @see DB::getKeyValueMap(), DB::getRow(), DB::getCell(), DB::getTable()
public static function getColumn ($query_or_result): ?array {
$column = []; // return value
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
$column[] = $row[0];
if ($query) {
return $column;
} // getColumn
* Use `query()` and `getRow()` instead whenever possible (memory efficiency).
* Useful for fetching data to pass to parts of the system that can't work with
* MySQL result objects, such as AJAX scripts.
* @param string|mysqli_result $query_or_result
* @return array Entire result set as array of rows.
* @see DB::getIndexedTable(), DB::getRow()
public static function getTable ($query_or_result): ?array {
$table = []; // return value
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$table[] = $row;
if ($query) {
return $table;
} // getTable
* Accepts a query that selects exactly two columns and returns an associative
* array of the second column's values indexed by the first column's values,
* same format as `$_GET` and as expected by `http_build_query()`.
* <code>
* $cc = DB::getKeyValueMap('select email, name from users where company_id = 20')
* </code>
* @param string|mysqli_result $query_or_result Should select two columns.
* @return array Second column's values indexed by first column's values.
* @see DB::getColumn(), DB::getIndexedTable()
public static function getKeyValueMap ($query_or_result): ?array {
$key_value_map = []; // return value
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
$key_value_map[$row[0]] = $row[1];
if ($query) {
return $key_value_map;
} // getKeyValueMap
* Returns rows indexed by the first column (which is excluded from the rows). Useful for selecting rows indexed by
* their IDs. Specify the optional $index_field_name parameter to index by a field other than the first column.
* @param string|mysqli_result $query_or_result
* @param string|null $index_field_name optional default first column
* @return array
* @see DB::getTable(), DB::getKeyValueMap()
public static function getIndexedTable ($query_or_result, string $index_field_name = null): ?array {
$indexed_table = []; // return value
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
if (!$index_field_name) {
$index_field_name = static::getColumnNames($result)[0];
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$index_value = $row[$index_field_name];
$indexed_table[$index_value] = $row;
if ($query) {
return $indexed_table;
} // getIndexedTable
* Returns same thing as `array_keys(DB::getRow($result))`, but without having to actually
* fetch a row and forward the internal result pointer. Useful when quickly printing HTML
* table header rows of arbitrary queries during debugging. Can also be a table name to get
* a list of its columns. It makes no sense for this method to accept queries.
* <code>
* foreach (DB::getColumnNames($result) as $field_name) {
* echo "<th>$field_name</th>";
* }
* </code>
* @param mysqli_result|string $result_or_table
* @return array
* @link http://www.php.net//manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-field-direct.php
public static function getColumnNames ($result_or_table): ?array {
if (is_string($result_or_table)) {
return static::getColumn("show columns from `" . static::escape($result_or_table) . "`");
} else {
$result = $result_or_table;
$column_names = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $result->field_count; $i++) {
$column_names[] = $result->fetch_field_direct($i)->name;
return $column_names;
} // getColumnNames
* Secures a string from SQL injection attacks.
* `DB::insert()` and `DB::update()` escape arrays automatically.
* If you are writing a `SELECT` query that contains no `OR` or `LIKE` conditions,
* you can pass your array of conditions to `DB::where()` in order to get
* an auto-escaped string; otherwise you must remember to escape manually.
* <code>
* $query = 'select user_id from users where email="' .DB::escape($_POST['email']) .'"';
* </code>
* @param string $string
* @return string SQL-escaped string.
* @see DB::verbatim()
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php
public static function escape (string $string): string {
return static::getConnection()->real_escape_string($string);
} // escape
* Wraps your string into an object that keeps it from being auto-escaped by methods like `insert()` and `update()`.
* <code>
* $new_row['inserted'] = DB::verbatim('now()');
* </code>
* @param string $string Typically 'now()' or such.
* @return stdClass Special object that suppresses autoescaping for your string.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If argument is not a string.
* @see DB::insert(), DB::update(), DB::escape(), DB::datetime()
public static function verbatim (string $string): stdClass {
return (object)['verbatimString' => $string];
} // verbatim
* <code>
* DB::datetime() === date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
* DB::datetime($timestamp) === date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp);
* DB::datetime('-6 months') === date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-6 months'));
* DB::datetime('now', 'date') === date('Y-m-d');
* DB::datetime('now', 'time') === date('H:i:s');
* </code>
* @param string|int $time_string_or_timestamp A string understood by strtotime() (defaults to 'now'), or a unix timestamp.
* @param string $component 'datetime', 'date', 'time'
* @return string MySQL datetime, or date or time depending on $component
public static function datetime ($time_string_or_timestamp = 'now', string $component = 'datetime'): string {
$timestamp = is_numeric($time_string_or_timestamp) ? $time_string_or_timestamp : strtotime($time_string_or_timestamp);
switch ( $component ) {
case 'datetime':
$format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
case 'date':
$format = 'Y-m-d';
case 'time':
$format = 'H:i:s';
return date($format, $timestamp);
} // datetime
* PHP special values like `null`, `true`, and `false` return corresponding MySQL keywords.
* Strings get escaped and enclosed in quotes. Arrays become escaped comma-separated strings (sets).
* Integers and floats remain unaltered. This method understands `DB::verbatim()`, and methods
* like `insert()` and `update()` rely on it.
* @param string|int|float|object|null|bool $php_value
* @return string|int|float
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If argument type is unrecognized.
* @see DB::verbatim(), DB::getSetClause(), DB::where(), DB::getInClause()
public static function getSqlValue ($php_value) {
if ( is_string($php_value) ) {
return '"' .static::escape($php_value) .'"';
if ( is_int($php_value) or is_float($php_value) ) {
return $php_value;
if ($php_value === null) {
return 'null';
if ($php_value === true) {
return 'true';
if ($php_value === false) {
return 'false';
if ( is_object($php_value) ) {
$specialObject = $php_value;
if (!empty($specialObject->verbatimString)) { /* @see DB::verbatim() */
return $specialObject->verbatimString;
if ( is_array($php_value) ) {
$escaped_set_values = [];
foreach ($php_value as $set_value) {
$escaped_set_values[] = static::escape($set_value);
$escaped_set_values_string = '"' .implode(',', $escaped_set_values) .'"';
return $escaped_set_values_string;
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unexpected argument type: " .gettype($php_value));
} // getSqlValue
* Creates a `SET` clause string from an associative array. Escapes values automatically,
* except for those that have been passed through `DB::verbatim()`.
* Used by `DB::insert()` and `DB::update()`.
* @param array $key_value_map
* @return string Set clause without the word `SET`.
* @see DB::insert(), DB::update(), DB::verbatim()
public static function getSetClause (array $key_value_map): string {
$set = [];
foreach ($key_value_map as $column_name => $field_value) {
$set[] = static::escape($column_name) .' = ' .static::getSqlValue($field_value);
$set = implode("\n\t,", $set);
return $set;
} // getSetClause
* Inserts row and returns its ID. Escapes values automatically except for those that
* have been passed through `DB::verbatim()`. It is possible to insert multiple rows,
* by passing an array of rows, such as returned by `DB::getTable()`. In this case the
* returned insert ID is that of the first row inserted. Since all rows are inserted
* using a single query, the subsequent rows are guaranteed to have sequential insert
* IDs (note that all rows must define the same columns, in the same order).
* @param string $table_name
* @param array $key_value_map
* @param bool $replace_duplicates
* @return int Insert ID.
* @see DB::verbatim(), DB::update()
public static function insert ( string $table_name, array $key_value_map, $replace_duplicates = false ) : int {
$command = $replace_duplicates ? 'replace' : 'insert';
$has_multiple_rows = isset( $key_value_map[0] );
if ( ! $has_multiple_rows ) {
return static::getInsertId( "$command into " . static::escape($table_name) . ' set ' . static::getSetClause($key_value_map) );
$escaped_column_names = [];
foreach ( array_keys( $key_value_map[0] ) as $loop_column ) {
$escaped_column_names[] = static::escape( $loop_column );
$escaped_column_names = implode( ', ', $escaped_column_names );
$escaped_values_lists = [];
foreach ( $key_value_map as $loop_row ) {
$escaped_values_list = [];
foreach ( $loop_row as $loop_field_value ) {
$escaped_values_list[] = static::getSqlValue( $loop_field_value );
$escaped_values_list = implode( "\n\t,", $escaped_values_list );
$escaped_values_lists[] = "($escaped_values_list)";
$escaped_values_lists = implode( ', ', $escaped_values_lists );
$query = "$command into " . static::escape( $table_name ) . " ($escaped_column_names) values $escaped_values_lists";
return static::getInsertId( $query );
} // insert
* <code>
* // the most common way of getting the insert ID
* $insert_id = DB::insert( 'table_name', $row );
* // this functions lets us do this:
* $insert_id = DB::getInsertId( $query );
* // and this:
* $affected_rows = DB::getAffectedRows("
* update users set status = 'processing'
* where status = 'pending' and last_insert_id( user_id )
* limit 1"
* );
* if ( $affected_rows ) {
* $user_id = DB::getInsertId();
* }
* </code>
* Returns the ID generated by an INSERT or UPDATE query on a table with
* a column having the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute.
* In the case of a multiple-row INSERT statement,
* it returns the first automatically generated value that was successfully inserted.
* Performing an INSERT or UPDATE statement using the LAST_INSERT_ID() MySQL function will
* also modify the value returned by mysqli_insert_id().
* If LAST_INSERT_ID(expr) was used to generate the value of AUTO_INCREMENT,
* it returns the value of the last expr instead of the generated AUTO_INCREMENT value.
* Returns 0 if the previous statement did not change an AUTO_INCREMENT value.
* `DB::getInsertId()` must be called immediately after the statement that generated the value.
* `DB::insert()` returns this automatically.
* If the optional $query argument is provided, the query will be executed first.
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.insert-id.php
public static function getInsertId ( string $query = null ) : int {
if ( $query ) {
static::query( $query );
return static::getConnection()->insert_id;
} // getInsertId
* @param array $values
* @return string `IN` clause without the word `in`.
* @see DB::verbatim()
public static function getInClause (array $values): string {
$in = [];
foreach ($values as $loop_value) {
$in[] = static::getSqlValue($loop_value);
$in = implode(', ', $in);
return $in;
} // getInClause
* Most `WHERE` clauses do not contain `LIKE` or `OR` conditions but merely a number of `AND`
* conditions. Such `WHERE` clauses can be expressed as associative arrays and passed through
* this method to get the corresponding `WHERE` clause string (without the word `WHERE`). This
* method escapes values automatically unless they have been passed through `DB::verbatim()`.
* This method permits `DB::update()` to accept an array as its `WHERE` clause; it can also be
* used as a generic helper when constructing queries. Arrays are treated as `IN` clauses.
* Null values evaluate to `is null`, but if you need `is not null`, use `DB::not(null)`.
* <code>
* $where = ['column' => $_GET['field']];
* $query = 'select * from table where ' .DB::where($where);
* </code>
* @param array $key_value_map
* @return string MySQL where clause without the word `WHERE`.
* @see DB::update(), DB::verbatim()
public static function where (array $key_value_map): string {
$where = [];
foreach ($key_value_map as $column_name => $field_value) {
if ($field_value === null) {
$where[] = static::escape($column_name) .' is null';
if (is_array($field_value)) {
$where[] = static::escape($column_name) .' in (' .static::getInClause($field_value) .')';
if (is_object($field_value)) {
$specialObject = $field_value;
if (!empty($specialObject->notValueIsSet)) {
$not_value = $specialObject->notValue;
if ($not_value === null) {
$where[] = static::escape($column_name) .' is not null';
} elseif (is_array($not_value)) {
if ($not_value) {
$where[] = static::escape($column_name) .' not in (' .static::getInClause($not_value) .')';
} else {
$where[] = static::escape($column_name) .' != ' .static::getSqlValue($not_value);
if (!empty($specialObject->verbatimString)) {
$where[] = static::escape($column_name) .' = ' .$specialObject->verbatimString;
$where[] = static::escape($column_name) .' = ' .static::getSqlValue($field_value);
} // foreach $key_value_map
$where = implode("\n\tand ", $where);
return $where;
} // where
* <code>
* $where = DB::where([
* 'column_a' => DB::not('my_string') // !=
* ,'column_b' => DB::not(null) // is not null
* ,'column_c' => DB::not(['this', 'that']) // not in
* ]);
* // $where now looks like:
* // "column_a != 'my_string' and column_b is not null and column_c not in('this', 'that')"
* </code>
* @param mixed $var
* @return stdClass
public static function not ($var): stdClass {
return (object)['notValue' => $var, 'notValueIsSet' => true];
} // not
* Values will be escaped automatically except for those passed through `DB::verbatim()`.
* If the `WHERE` clause is an array, it will be autoescaped the same way;
* but if it's a string, remember to perform your own escaping.
* <code>
* $update = [
* 'column_name' => $_POST['field_name'], // automatically escaped
* 'updated' => DB::verbatim('now()') // suppress auto-escaping
* ];
* $where = ['column_name' => $_POST['field_name']]; // autoescaped
* $where = 'column_name="' .DB::escape($_POST['field_name']) .'"'; // also possible
* $affected_rows = DB::update('users', $update, $where);
* </code>
* @param string $table_name
* @param array $key_value_map
* @param string|array $where
* @return int Number of rows affected by the update query.
* @see DB::verbatim(), DB::insert()
public static function update (string $table_name, array $key_value_map, $where): int {
if (is_array($where)) {
$where = static::where($where);
$query = 'update `' .static::escape($table_name) .'` set ' .static::getSetClause($key_value_map) ."\nwhere $where";
return static::getAffectedRows($query);
} // update
* In the model library we often have table name, columns, and condition as variables. We could
* manually construct query strings from variables and pass the strings to DB::query(). This
* method is a shortcut way of doing the same thing; it cannot handle complex queries.
* @param string $table_name
* @param array|string $columns
* @param array|string $where
* @return mysqli_result
public static function select (string $table_name, $columns, $where = null): mysqli_result {
if (is_string($columns)) {
$columns = [$columns];
$columns = implode(', ', $columns);
$query = "select $columns from $table_name";
if (is_array($where)) {
$where = static::where($where);
if ($where) {
$query = "$query where $where";
$result = static::query($query);
return $result;
} // select
* Returns the number of rows affected by the last `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `REPLACE` or
* `DELETE` query. `DB::update()` returns this number automatically. If the optional
* `$query` argument is provided, the query will be executed first.
* <code>
* DB::query($query);
* $affected_rows = DB::getAffectedRows();
* // or
* $affected_rows = DB::getAffectedRows($query);
* </code>
* @param null|string $query optional
* @return int "number of rows affected by the last INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE or DELETE query (php.net)"
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.affected-rows.php
public static function getAffectedRows (string $query = null): int {
if ($query) {
return static::getConnection()->affected_rows;
} // getAffectedRows
* Gets number of rows within provided result object or returned by provided query.
* Accepting query strings permits this method to be used for getting yes/no answers from the database.
* <code>
* $result = DB::query($query);
* $num_rows = DB::getNumRows($result);
* // or
* $num_rows = DB::getNumRows($query);
* </code>
* @param mysqli_result|string $query_or_result Such as returned by DB::query().
* @return int Number of rows in result.
* @link http://www.php.net//manual/en/mysqli-result.num-rows.php
public static function getNumRows ($query_or_result): int {
$query = is_string($query_or_result) ? $query_or_result : null;
$result = $query ? static::query($query) : $query_or_result;
$num_rows = $result->num_rows;
if ($query) {
return $num_rows;
} // getNumRows
* Useful for locking tables.
* @return int
public static function getConnectionId (): int {
return (int)static::getCell('select connection_id()');
} // getConnectionId
* This includes queries executed by methods such as `DB::insert()` and `DB::update()`.
* @return string The last SQL query executed by the DB class.
* @see DB::query(), static::$lastQuery
public static function getLastQuery (): ?string {
return static::$lastQuery;
} // getLastQuery
* Empties the query log and returns its contents, and either enables or disables logging.
* <code>
* DB::log();
* //etc
* $log = DB::log(false);
* </code>
* @param boolean $enable_logging Whether to enable logging.
* @return array|null Queries logged so far.
* @see DB::$log, DB::query()
public static function log (bool $enable_logging = true): ?array {
$query_log = static::$log;
static::$log = $enable_logging ? [] : null;
return $query_log;
} // log
public static function startTransaction (): void {
} // startTransaction
/** @param bool $commit true (default) to commit, false to do a rollback **/
public static function endTransaction (bool $commit = true): void {
if ($commit) {
} else {
} // endTransaction
* Runs various queries, see if something crashes.
* @return array queries
* @throws Exception
public static function test (): array {
create temporary table dbtest (
dbtest_id integer unsigned primary key auto_increment,
some_id integer unsigned,
some_string varchar(255),
some_flag boolean,
some_etc varchar(255) null,
updated timestamp null default null on update current_timestamp,
inserted timestamp default current_timestamp
$insert = [
'some_id' => 20,
'some_string' => 'test string',
'some_flag' => true,
'some_etc' => null,
'inserted' => DB::datetime(),
$dbtest_id = DB::insert('dbtest', $insert);
if ($dbtest_id != 1) {
throw new Exception("Invalid \$dbtest_id: $dbtest_id.");
$count = DB::getCell('select count(*) from dbtest');
if ($count != 1) {
throw new Exception("Invalid \$count: $count.");
$update = ['some_string' => 'updated test string'];
$where = ['dbtest_id' => $dbtest_id];
$affected_rows = DB::update('dbtest', $update, $where);
if ($affected_rows != 1) {
throw new Exception("Invalid \$affected_rows: $affected_rows.");
$query = 'select * from dbtest where dbtest_id = "' .DB::escape($dbtest_id) .'"';
$row = DB::getRow($query);
if (!is_array($row) or empty($row)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid \$row: $row.");
$row_values = DB::getRowValues($query);
if (!is_array($row_values) or empty($row_values)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid \$row_values: $row_values.");
$query = 'select * from dbtest';
$result = DB::query($query);
while ( $row = DB::getRow($result) ) {
DB::query('drop temporary table dbtest');
return DB::log(false);
} // test
} // DB
class TableDoesNotExistException extends RuntimeException {
/* This exists to differentiate this exception type, since some code knows how to handle it. */
} // TableDoesNotExistException